Active Learning Meets Productive Failure

Active Learning Meets Productive Failure highlighted a very important aspect of human nature that captured my attention. Professor Manu Kapur mentioned how people could easily perceive anything differently than one another.  He gave an example of when a regular viewer and a movie director are watching a movie and how both of them will see two relatively different movies. The movie director will probably focus on the set design, the costume design, the way the actors and actresses are acting etc. Meanwhile, the regular viewer is observing the plot of the movie. Most if not all people come from different backgrounds, if not different cultures and societies and that means that we are all going to perceive things differently from one another. One’s perception could vary from as little as a movie to people or to whole situations. 

This image was taken from YouImagine – AI Image Generator

One response to “Active Learning Meets Productive Failure”

  1. ha, cool that you did the image with AI – what did you prompt it with?


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